University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
The basic Library Catalog search is a keyword search--you simply type your search terms into the box, and the catalog retrieves all the items that have your search terms in their catalog records.
Searching by subject is another way to find materials that focus on your topic. Each item in the Library Catalog has one or more subject terms (headings) assigned to it, When you search by subject, you retrieve only the items that have the subject for which you searched. To make a subject heading more specific, subheadings are added after it. A subheading is separated from the main heading by a double dash (--). Once you have your subject terms, to search by subject in the Library Catalog, in the dropdown list under "Search for," select "Subject." Here are some example subject headings for psychology topics:
Adolescent Psychology
Behaviorism (Psychology)
Child Psychology
Control (Psychology)
Human behavior
Mental disorder
Mental illness
Psychology--Study and Teaching
Psychology, Applied
To find subject headings for a subject you are studying, first use keyword searching to find some books on your general topic. Then look at their records and see what subject terms they have. You can use the subject links in the catalog records to retrieve all the items with the same subject. However, this linking scheme has some quirks, so if it seems like it is returning far too many (or too few) items, try using the Library Catalog (aka Advanced Search) screen and a Subject or Subject Phrase search with your terms.
If you want to browse the library stacks, you can use these call numbers to find books on psychology.
BF Psychology
BF 38-64 Relation to other topics
BF173-175.5 Psychoanalysis
BF176-176.5 Psychological tests and testing
BF180-198.7 Experimental psychology
BF203 Gestalt psychology
BF207-209 Psychotropic drugs and other substances
BF231-299 Sensation. Aesthesiology
BF309-499 Consciousness. Cognition
BF501-505 Motivation
BF511-593 Affection. Feeling. Emotion
BF608-635 Will. Volition. Choice. Control
BF636-637 Applied psychology
BF638-648 New Thought. Menticulture, etc.
BF660-685 Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology
BF692-692.5 Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior
BF697-697.5 Differential psychology. Individuality. Self
BF698-698.9 Personality
BF699-711 Genetic psychology
BF712-724.85 Developmental psychology
BF725-727 Class psychology
BF795-839 Temperament. Character
BF839.8-885 Physiognomy. Phrenology
BF889-905 Graphology. Study of handwriting
BF908-940 The hand. Palmistry
RC Internal Medicine
RC435-571 Psychiatry
These books can be found on the second floor of the library stacks. Remember that given the interdisciplinary nature of liberal arts studies, you may find useful books with other call numbers too.
To find books from thousands of other libraries and request them through interlibrary loan, use WorldCat FirstSearch. You can search for books, journals, audiovisual materials, dissertations, and many other material types. When you find a resource you think would be useful in your research, you can fill out an interlibrary loan form, and Nash Library will request the book from another library.