This is a list of Nash library's databases and eBook collections. You can search through most of these simultaneously using Leo Search (see link above).
Provides information on topics from starting a company and sales to growing or rescuing a business. Contains nearly 400 full-text periodicals and over 450 full-text reference books. The interface guides users through small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans. A collection of state-specific resources supports the researcher with demographic data and other local information.
This is a pre-print archive for the social sciences. Pre-prints are papers that have been completed by scholars but have not been peer reviewed. Scholars submit them to pre-print archives as a way of sharing them for free. If your assignment requires peer-reviewed articles, don't use this source!
A full-text online collection of encyclopedias, handbooks, and guides primarily covering the social sciences. This collection covers psychology, medicine, education & language, economics, public health, and philosophy.